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Graduation Requirements

Graduation Requirements for the Class of 2023 & Beyond

A student must complete the following to receive a high school diploma:

  • Course Completion: Students will satisfy the State of Ohio’s curriculum requirements and any additional Local Educational Authority’s requirements. Students will complete the state minimum 20 credits, with specific credits required in each content area, as well as meet any requirements of your Local Educational Authority (21 credits for Napoleon Senior High School).
  • Competency Demonstration: Students must demonstrate competency in math and English by passing the state’s Algebra I and English II tests. Students who have taken required tests more than once without passing and have received remedial support are able to show competency through one of the options below:
  1. Demonstrate two career focused activities*: readiness and technical skill through foundational and supporting options. Foundational option - (1.) a 12-point industry credential, (2.) a pre-apprenticeship or acceptance into an approved apprenticeship program.  Supporting option -  (1.) Work-based learning, (2.) earn the required score on WorkKeys Earn the OhioMeansJobs Readiness Seal [*At least one of the two must be a Foundational skill]; 
  2. Enter into a contract to enlist in the military upon graduation.

  3. Earn credit for one math and/or one English course through College Credit Plus.


  • Readiness Demonstration: Students must earn two of the twelve diploma seal options, one of which must be defined by the State of Ohio to demonstrate academic, technical and professional readiness for careers, college, the military or self-sustaining professions. Seals toward graduation can be earned at any time during a student’s high school career.


State of Ohio Diploma Seals*         (*Must earn at least one)            

OhioMeansJobs Readiness Seal                Science Seal Military Enlistment Seal

Honors Diploma Seal                     State Seal of Biliteracy College-Ready Seal      

Technology Seal                      Citizenship Seal Industry-Recognized Credential Seal         


Local Educational Authority Diploma Seals**    (**May earn at least one)

Fine and Performing Arts Seal

Student Engagement Seal

Community Service Seal



Locally Educational Authority (LEA) defined Seals

Fine and Performing Arts Seal - Demonstrate a skill level in the fine or performing arts according to an evaluation aligned with guidelines adopted by the student’s local board of education or school governing authority.

A student must complete one of the following:

  1. Complete two full credits of fine arts in grades 9-12 (a vocal music course, an instrumental music course, and/or a visual art course).

  2. Complete one full credit of a fine art (band, choir, or a visual arts course) AND successfully participate in one additional fine art related co-curricular experience through Napoleon Jr. & Sr. HS  (includes drama -Fall or Spring musical, Thespian Club, Art League Club, Pep Band, Jazz Band, or Jazz/Show Choir).  Successful participation is defined as engagement in at least 100% of the group’s activities.  The activities for each group will be determined and reported by the relevant instructor and/or advisor.   


Student Engagement Seal - Participate in co-curricular and/or extra-curricular activities such as athletics, clubs, or student government to a meaningful extent, as determined by guidelines adopted by the student’s local board of education or school governing authority.

A student must complete one of the following:

  1. Complete and participate in two full seasons of varsity or club athletics approved by the OHSAA as sanctioned by the school’s athletic department in grades 9-12.  

  2. Complete and participate in two performance-based activities in co-curriculars in grades 9-12 through Napoleon Jr. & Sr. HS (includes Student Advisory Board, Athletic Trainer, DECA, French or Spanish Club, HIOY, N-Club, Speech Team, National Honor Society, Quiz Bowl, Environthon, Student Council, and/or Student Class Officers).  Successful participation is defined as engagement in at least 100% of the group’s activities.  The activities for each group will be determined and reported by the relevant instructor and/or advisor.


Community Service Seal - Complete a community service project aligned with the guidelines adopted by the student’s local board of education or school governing authority.

A student must complete one of the following:

  1. Complete and participate in 40 community service hours; and submit a culminating reflection paper at the end of the experience.  A student must document all community service hours and submit such documentation with a reflection paper.

  2. Complete and participate in 40 community service hours; and perform a culminating presentation at the end of the experience.  A student must document all community service hours and submit such documentation at the time of the presentation.

  • Community service being performed outside of school must be approved by a school administration or a school guidance/counseling department prior to completion of hours.

  • School-sponsored community service activities do not need pre-approval.

  • All required documentation of community service hours must be completed in its entirety.




Honor's Diploma Requirements (Current)

In addition to the traditional Academic Honors Diploma, the Ohio Department of Education has created criteria for several honors diplomas in specific interest areas. These new honors diplomas are known as the STEM Honors Diploma, Arts Honors Diploma, and the Social Science and Civic Engagement Honors Diploma.

Due to the extensive planning and execution of the field experience (internship or apprenticeship), portfolio, evaluation, and presentation components for these honors diplomas, it is highly recommended that a student plan ahead and begin the process prior to the start of their senior year (7th semester). 


Click HERE  to view the Ohio Department of Education's requirements for the traditional Academic Honors Diploma, the Career Tech Honors Diploma, and new honors diplomas. 


All honors diploma recipient lists are finalized annually in March.  Prior to finalization, lists are posted for students to review so that they have the opportunity to ask questions of their counselors.  


