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Career Readiness

Napoleon High School juniors and seniors have three days each year that they may use towards going on a college visit or a job shadow experience.  These are excused absences, but the student must follow these steps in order to be excused:

  1. Schedule a job shadow experience at a place of interest.  For example, if you would like to know more about a career as a veterinarian, contact a local veterinarian's office and ask if you would be able to job shadow them for a day. 
  2. Once you have scheduled your job shadow, you must stop in guidance and pick up a job shadow form.  Follow the steps listed on that form. 
  3. After your job shadow is completed, return the signed form to the guidance office. This final step makes the absence excused. 

If you have questions regarding this process, please feel free to contact your student's school counselor. 


Ohio Means Jobs is a program through the Ohio Department of Education.  During classroom guidance, your counselors will guide you through this process.  If you would like to work on career exploration on your own, you may use the worksheet below. It's never too early to begin exploring your interests, educational strengths, and possible future career path!

Ohio Means Jobs Career Exploration Guidesheet