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Multi-Tiered System of Support

Supporting the Whole Child by focusing on collaboration, growth, and interventions

What is a Multi-Tiered System of Supports?


A Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is a proactive collaborative approach to data-driven instructional decisions.  These decisions are continuous, cyclical, and considered within the context of both educational and socially important questions.  The framework of MTSS is a practice that uses high-quality evidence-based instruction coupled with a standards-based curriculum, universal screening practices, tiered intensity of support based on level of need, and continual use of data to guide decision making to ensure that ALL students receive the appropriate level of engagement to be successful.


MTSS gives both schools and districts the infrastructure necessary to organize best practices and the resources involved to align academic standards and behavioral expectations, implement consistently with fidelity, in order to generate optimal performance of ALL students, to achieve and/or exceed proficiency.  The journey to MTSS success also increases successful partnerships with students as active participants for their education, families as engaged partners, and communities as networks of additional support, as well as, strengthens educational systems applied throughout classrooms, schools, districts, regions, and states.




MTSS is a systematic and collaborative team process that is responsive to meet the needs of all students through differentiated and individualized instruction with a focus on the whole child including academic, behavioral, and social/emotional needs.  MTSS uses a tiered approach to identifying students’ academic, social and emotional needs. Here’s what that looks like:

Tier 1: Classroom instruction with responsive teaching

Tier 2: Small group / individual instruction

Tier 3: Intensive instruction and intervention 


Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) is a foundation that wraps around the entire student body and uses data-driven problem-solving to address academic and non-academic (attendance / social emotional) needs.
