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 :Each year, the Napoleon High School Guidance Office posts over 50 scholarships.  Click on the links below to access the PDF versions of scholarships currently available. 


Scholarships Available through NHS


Local Scholarships are posted beginning in December. Every single scholarship application is also emailed to the entire senior student body on the day it is posted to this website.  Reminders for seniors to check their school email and this website are also put out on Twitter through the NHS Guidance office twitter page (@NHScatsGuidance).  Seniors - See your school counselor with any questions. 


Click HERE for the Franklin B. Walter Scholarship Application.  The information and details about this scholarship are found HERE.  This local scholarship is through the ESC and completed materials are due to your school counselor by January 6, 2025.  This is the first day back from break, so don't miss this deadline! 


Click HERE for the application for the 5th Masonic District Scholarship.  Additional information about this scholarship is found HERE.  Make sure that you mail all of your completed materials to the address on the application prior to the deadline. 


Click HERE for the Wilford E. Nichols Scholarship Information and Application. This completed application is due by February 1, 2025 and should be mailed to the address on the application. 


Click HERE for the United Way of Henry County Greg Hammer Memorial Scholarship Information and Application. This application is available to seniors who are residents of Henry County and must be turned in to the United Way of Henry County Office by March 1, 2025. 


Click HERE for the Julie I. Kane & Jacob Johnson Memorial Scholarship Information and Application. The completed application is due to the address on the application by April 7, 2025. 


Click HERE for the Beta Sigma Phi International Ohio Gamma Epsilon Scholarship. This completed application and materials are due to the address on the application by March 31, 2025. 


Click HERE for the Moser Nursing Scholarship. The completed application and materials are due to the address on the application by March 31, 2025. 


Click HERE for the OAPSE - AFSCME Regional Memorial Scholarship Application.  There are specific requirements for this application. The completed application and all materials should be postmarked NO LATER than March 1, 2025. 

Click HERE for the Progressive Fishing Association Scholarship. The completed application and all materials are due to the address on the application by May 1, 2025. 


Click HERE for the Napoleon Faculty Association (NFA) Susan K. Cameron Memorial Scholarship. Completed application and materials are due to your school counselor by 3 p.m. on April 4, 2025.